緑川 純米吟醸 (緑川酒造)

緑川 純米吟醸 (緑川酒造) Midorikawa Junmai Ginjo (Midorikawa Brewery)

緑川 純米吟醸 (緑川酒造)
Midorikawa Junmai Ginjo (Midorikawa Brewery)

#綺麗 #柔らかな口当たり #程よい旨味
#Clearness #smoothness #umami

緑川 純米吟醸 (緑川酒造)
緑川 純米吟醸 (緑川酒造)

こんにちは!SAKE GeekのSeikaです!


本日紹介する日本酒は「緑川酒造 緑川 純米吟醸」です。


緑川酒造様は新潟県魚沼市にございます酒蔵様で、 現在の新潟県酒造組合会長の酒蔵様です。




「緑川 純米吟醸」も綺麗さが存分に感じられる日本酒です。







Hi! This is Seika, SAKE Geek!


Now, the sake I want to introduce today is [Midorikawa Junmai Ginjo (Midorikawa sake brewery)].


Midorikawa Sake Brewery is in Uonuma City, Niigata.
Uonuma city is famous for nature. It means this place is good for sake making.


I think the feature of sake of Midorikawa Sake Brewery is the clearness of taste.
Uonuma City is located in the mountainous area, so the water used for sake brewing is filtered by the natural filter of the mountain. You can feel the nature at the moment you put sake in your mouth.


“Midorikawa Junmai Ginjo” is sake that can feel totally clearness.
It is characterized by a smooth taste, a moderate umami taste, and you can drink this sake forever.


Please enjoy it by all means.


About Midorikawa Brewery ↓

Seika 「SAKE Geek (日本酒オタク)」

2016年〜2020年 大学院で日本酒研究
2017年 日本酒マーケティング留学
2019年 2019 Miss SAKE Niigataとして活動

唎酒師、国際唎酒師、新潟清酒達人検定 銅の達人、
WSET SAKE Level1、WSET Wine Level1

Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/2019_misssake_niigata